Diet Pills For Water Retention

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Water Tablets For Water Retention

Water retention tabletsWater retention is a problem for many dieters – the use of water tablets to try to expel excessive water from the body is an obvious but dangerous choice.

Water tablets are sometimes prescribed by GP’s or doctors to patients who suffer from high blood pressure (hypertention) – another use is by women with premenstrual fluid retention but only in the short term.

How Do Water Tablets Work

Water tablets eliminate sodium from the kidneys – a by product of this is the removal of excess water or water rention.

Can Water Tablets Cause Any Side Effects

The main aim of a water tablet is lower blood pressure – if you have a normal or low blood pressure to start with, the diurectic can lower the pressure even further until your blood pressure is at an excessively low level.

Are Water Tablets Good For Weight Loss

Not recommeded due to not only the possible negative health implications but also the fact that water that is expelled is usually gained as soon as the bosy starts to rehydrate.

Looking Elsewhere

If you are currently researching diet pills and considering purchasing a product – Read What Diet Pills To Buy, this should give you some insight into the marketplace.
