Zappetite Diet Pills

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Zappetite Review

Zappatite Diet PillsZappetite is a fairly new addition to the diet pill industry and in particular the appetite suppressant market.

Combining the word Zap with Appetite to create the brand name Zappetite.

Hoodia Gordonii based diet pills have a large percentage of the appetite suppressant so there is certainly room for a non Hoodia diet product.

Is Zappetite strong enough to gain a foot hold in the market though?

What Is Zappetite

A natural appetite suppressant that is derived from an organic plant source.

Zappetite contains pine nut oils that have been derived from the nuts of the native Korean pine tree (which contain about 40 times more pinolenic acid than other generic nuts.)

Pine nuts have provided health benefits to humans for centuries and Zappetite harnesses their benefits in the form of a triglyceride diet capsule.

How Does Zappetite Work

Zappetite contains something called PinnoThin, an ingredient developed and patented by Lipid Nutrition. PinnoThin has been scientifically developed to inhibit food cravings. By promoting a feeling of fullness, a dieter is less likely to consume or want to consumer more food than is neccessary.

PinnoThin can aid dieters by helping them to greatly reduce there food intake by suppressing appetite . Consumption of Zappetite and a healthy diet should be in tandem. It should go withou saying that a regular physical exercise programme is a prerequisite.

Three main factors are involved in appetite regulation: hunger, satiation and satiety. PinnoThin reduces these feelings by increasing the feeling of fullness and reducing want and need for food.

Does Zappetite Cause Side Effects

Zappatite comprises of natural substances and so should not cause any health risks. It is important to read the instruction as some diet pills are not ideal for some health conditions.

Zappetite Does It Work

As Zappetite is fairly new it does not have too many consumer comments or  testimonials to confirm or deny – we will review Zappetite at later, when the product has come alive in terms of discussion, consumer reviews and real life success stories.

Where To Buy Zappetite

Zappetite is sold almost exclusively online via health and fitness related websites. Currently a box of Zappetite costs around £19 – £20 for 90 soft gel capsules. Zappetite Order Information

Alternative Diet Pills

If an appetite suppressant is your chosen method of weight management Hoodia is by far the most popular and most common genre.

Pure HoodiaPure Hoodia – The original Hoodia diet pill. Produced by PureSlim, Pure Hoodia contains only raw Hoodia p57 powder.

Pure Hoodia has over 10 years of clinical data and a decade of testimonials. More about Pure Hoodia


Unique HoodiaUnique Hoodia – another genuine Hoodia product with slightly more powder per capsule than Pure Hoodia.

Unique Hoodia is fully certified and has a 6 month money back guarantee in place. More about Unique Hoodia