Diet Pills And Pregnancy

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Taking Diet Pills During And After Pregnancy

Diet Pills And PregnancyPregnancy for most women is a joyous occasion, but like most things in life that bring joy there are negative byproducts.

The obvious negative byproduct of pregnancy is weight gain – or baby weight.

On average, a pregnant woman will gain between 20 to 30 lbs during the course of her pregnancy. This is a combination of the weight of the unborn child, taking on additional calories while eating for two and obviously lack of mobility.

It is not the weight gain during pregnancy that is the major concern for most women it is shifting the baby fat after childbirth.

Should I Take Diet Pills During Pregnancy

During pregnancy it is of vital importance to refrain from taking diet pills. Prescription only diet pills or pills that are pharmaceutically produced can be dangerous to an unborn child.

Even supplements that are herbal in nature can have cause an adverse reaction in a fetus.

Appetite suppressants are possibly the worse type of diet pill for an expectant mother to take as appetite suppressants reduces food intake, which is beneficial to the mother in terms of weight loss but not to the unborn child. Lack of nutrients could seriously effect the future health of the infant.

Diet Pills After Pregnancy

Breast feeding involves the transference of nutrients from mother to child. Any kind of supplement, herbal or otherwise should not be taken unless under strict supervision from a GP.

It is highly recommended to refrain from any kind of diet pill or diet patch will breast feeding.

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Celebrities do not help with the perception that weight loss can happen almost instantaneously after childbirth. If the truth were to be told a high proportion of celebrities who claim to have lost their baby fat just weeks after giving birth have had some form of surgical procedure.

Professional nutritionists agree that as it takes 9 months to gain baby fat it should take 9 months to lose it – that is if you choose the healthy option.

So, for absolute clarity – do not use diet pills while pregnant or breastfeeding!

How To Lose Baby Fat

Lose Baby FatAmerican lifestyle magazine Florida Style recently featured an article discussing the best ways to lose baby weight after breast feeding. The Popular fat binder Proactol was given several column inches.

Proactol is one of the leading UK distributed diet pills. Proactol has accreditation and is classed a Medical Device Type 1 but is completely herbal in nature and free from side effects.

The people behind Proactol are keen to highlight (choosing the interest of public health over profit) that any kind of diet pill or slimming supplement should be avoided through any stage of pregnancy or nursing (breast feeding.)

Read The Florida Style Proactol article