Metabolife Ultra

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Metabolife Ultra Diet Pills Review

Metabolife Ultra Diet PillsMetabolife has a range of several diet pills available each claiming to offer a different weight loss benefit or advantage.

While it is possible that several overlapping slimming products could be advantageous the most likely outcome would be confusion. This could force a consumer to have another bite of Metabolife “cherry”, should the initial choice prove ineffective.

Metabolife have had an infamous past in the diet and slimming industry ceasing production of the popular Metabolife 365 in 2004 due to its Ephedra content.

What Is Metabolife Ultra

Metabolife Ultra contains an extract derived from Garcinia Cambogia (a fruit) this has been called Super Citrimax. Garcinia Cambogia contains hydroxycitric acid that is thought to stop fat production and suppress appetite.

Ingredients Of Metabolife Ultra

Aside from Super Citrimax the other ingredients are:

  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Caffeine

Possible Side Effects

A high caffeine content is present which may disagree with a large percentage of dieters. Restlessness, anxiety, palpitations and and high blood pressure are possible side effects

Metabolife has now brought out a caffeine free alternative which we will review at a later date

Is Metabolife Recommended

Not recommended, too much fat burning and not enough appetite suppressing. fat burning is the least effective of the diet pill genres and cheapest to produce.

Other Diet Pills

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Appetite Suppressants can reduce the want and need for food as is possibly the best method to curb overeating. More about Appetite Suppressants
