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Crevax Diet Pills Review

Crevax Diet Pills Review

Crevax is another diet pill that claims to be the worlds first and the most effective.

It is advertised as the only effective Swiss Natural Fat Burner uniquely formulated from seven natural and powerful ingredients for both Fat Burning and Appetite Suppressing.

Crevax is the latest in a long line of fat burner and appetite suppressant combination diet pills that is distinctly ordinary.

What Is Crevax

Crevax is a unique blend of seven components – the ingredients are:

  • Hoodia Gordonii
  • Green Tea
  • Gynostemma Pentaphyllum
  • Salvia Miltiorrhiza
  • Fructus Lycii
  • Peony Root
  • Taurine

There is no detail as to how much of each ingredient is present and so pretty much anyone guess what the lead ingredients are. Our guess would be the standout ingredients Hoodia and Green Tea.

Hoodia being the appetite suppressant and Green Tea responsible for fat burning.

The Hoodia ingredient is intersting, Hoodia is very powerful, natural appetite suppressant that is best used without interference of any other ingredients – there are often misconception surrounding Hoodia. Read about Hoodia here

Green Tea, the fat burner is also surrounded by untruth and misconception. Read about Green Tea

Crevax Medical Proof

Crevax states with some pride its medical and clinical data but in truth Crevax itself has not got the accreditation but some of its components. The Crevax website does not give itself credence by not providing any details of the supposed clinical data.

Side Effects Caused By Crevax

Should not cause side effects if taken as recommended.

Does Crevax Work

Or put another way – does Hoodia and Green Tea work. Crevax does not do itself any favours by making the extact formula near invisible.

Should I Buy Crevax

Those looking for an appetite suppressant should consider Pure Hoodia